Gereja Tanpa Pemuda, Dapatkah bertumbuh?

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Noverlianus Harefa
Sinar Abdi Waruwu
Linda Darmawati Gea


Research on "The Role of the Church in Fostering Youth" is a study that aims to find out the guidance carried out for youth to answer their needs related to the role of the church in fostering youth that is useful for congregational growth. This study uses an approach approach by conducting direct observations in the field and through interviews. The results of the study indicate that until now the church has not become the same as expected, namely being a friend to youth, youth in faith and knowledge, and the utilization of the potential possessed by youth has not had much impact on the church because of the lack of guidance to youth and the closeness between youth and society. parent. Therefore, through this research, the church is expected to pay attention to youth development and to be open to the next generation to prepare the next generation of the church who has firm faith in Christ Jesus, so that through this coaching it can have an impact on the growth of the congregation.

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