Peran Ayah Dalam Keluarga dan Implikasinya Bagi Pertumbuhan Spiritualitas Keluarga

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Tenti Riska Bate'e
Alokasih Gulo


The role of the father in the family is very important, especially in building the spirituality of children. There needs to be an example for children of what and how they practice love as people who believe in God. Many parents understand that the father’s role is only as a breadwinner for the family, while the mother plays an important role in the development of the child. This understanding is increasingly ingrained and becomes a pattern of habits that is still enforced today. Therefore, it is necessary to provide an understanding that parents play an important role in the development of their children, both physically and spiritually. Especially in the growth of their spirituality which must be developed from within the family. For that a father must be able to educate and be a role model in teaching his children in the process of their development. Thus a father must first be able to practice love in his life. Besides that, there needs to be support from the church and community institutions in providing understanding for fathers.



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